Spider plant

  • Spider plant
  • Ribbon plant
  • Chlorophytum comosum
  • long green variegated leaves which grows centrally
  • Water twice in a week
  • Water-soluble fertilizer diluted at half-strength once a month
  • Low-maintenance
  • Bright indirect light
  • Air purifying
  • Well-drained loose potting soil
  • Bright indoor spaces
  • amazonbutton

Spider plant is one of the most popular low-maintenance plants. This plant is perfect for a new plant parent because spider plant care is exceptionally easy. This plant is native to Africa and features evergreen strappy leaves that emerge directly from the potting soil. There are many spider plant benefits also. This plant is one of the NASA certified air purifying plants, and it is also a pet friendly plant.

Plant essentials

  • Fertilizer: Fertilize your plant with a standard fertilizer diluted in half strength in between every two weeks. 
  • Repotting: Spring is the best season for repotting spider plants. When your spider plant is outgrowing the current pot, that is the time to repot it into a larger pot. 
  • Propagation: The easiest way to propagate a spider plant is by separating the root. Propagate your spider plant when the plant is mature enough.   

Common problem

  • Browning of leaves of spider plants may occur due to direct exposure to the sun. To solve this problem, move your plant into a shaded area or bright indoor area. 
  • Excessive sunlight can turn  spider plant leaves yellow. To solve this, move your plant from direct sunlight. Excessive fertilizer can also make your plant leaves turn yellow. 
  • Many factors such as overwatering, lighting issues and insufficiency of fertilizer can make your plant droopy and wilt.

Style and decor

Windows, bathrooms and balconies will be the most suitable place for spider plants, because there they can have sufficient amounts of bright filtered sunlight. You can plant them in the standing planters, as well as hanging planters. Spider plants will look aesthetically pleasing in hanging planters in the balconies and bathrooms.
