Lucky bamboo

  • Lucky bamboo
  • Ribbon dracaena
  • Dracaena sanderiana
  • light green coloured shoots with thin green leaves
  • Water once a week
  • Use only filtered water and use diluted fertilizer
  • Low maintenance
  • Bright indirect sunlight
  • Air purifier
  • Well-drained rich potting soil
  • Bright indoors
  • amazonbutton

Want to bring some more luck, happiness, prosperity and peace in your life? The answer is to bring a Lucky bamboo plant. According to feng shui, lucky bamboo is one of the luckiest plants, for this reason it is always well demanded. There are plenty of Lucky bamboo benefits such as, this plant is well known as a symbol of luck, this plant needs very minimal care which makes it perfect for beginners, this plant can grow happily indoors without sunlight, also it is pet friendly, which is the most important part if you are a pet owner.

Plant essentials

  • Fertilizer: lucky bamboo takes all the significant nutrients from the water itself but if you are planting this in the water, make sure to use filtered water and also change the water every week. Additionally, you can fertilize your lucky bamboo every couple of months. 
  • Repotting: When your lucky bamboo outgrows the pot, then you have to repot. Choose a pot larger than the previous one. 
  • Propagation: the best way to propagate a lucky bamboo is to take a healthy shoot and root it in the water or in the soil.

Common problem

  • Water is very essential to take care of lucky bamboo plants. If the leaves of your lucky bamboo are turning yellow, it can be the reason for the water you are using. It is important to use only filtered or distilled water. 
  • If the tip of the leaves are turning brown, this can be due to dry air. Give enough moisture to the plant to grow. 

Style and decor

You can easily buy lucky bamboo online and add a hint of nature into your home and office. Keep lucky bamboo plants in the east or south-east facing windows or corners of the drawing room, bedrooms, bathrooms, or in the office rooms. If you are keeping a lucky bamboo plant in the water, you can decorate your plant with pebbles or stone as well. This will look very astonishing to your guests.
