Areca palm

  • Areca palm
  • Yellow palm, Butterfly palm
  • Dypsis lutescens
  • Evergreen arched green fronds
  • Water once in a week
  • Well-balanced liquid fertilizer once a month
  • Low-maintenance
  • Bright indirect sunlight
  • Air purifier
  • Well-draining loose potting mix
  • Bight indoors or shaded outdoors
  • amazonbutton

The tropical areca palm features lush green, lean, bamboo like fronds, which will give you the beachy tropical vibes of your previous summer vacation. This plant not only grows in the outdoors, but you can grow areca palm plants indoors as well. Areca palm plant is native to Madagascar and belongs to the araceae family. Areca palm benefits are countless including this plant is truly a low-maintenance plant. Also, improves the indoor air quality, refines humidity, absorbs certain air pollutants, and is a pet friendly plant.

Plant essential

  • Fertilizer: Feed your areca palm with a well-balanced liquid fertilizer, once in a month in summer and spring. Use a micronutrient spray in summer, this will benefit the fronds of your areca palm. 
  • Repotting: Areca palms do not need to be repotted often, but prefer changing the soil with some fresh soil after 2 to 3 years. 
  • Propagation: You can propagate an areca palm by cutting an offshoot with root nodes and plant it into a good soil mix.

Common problems

  • Wilting leaves indicates that your areca palm is under watered. Give your areca palm sufficient water to avoid the wilting leaves problems. 
  • Areca palm fronds may get yellow due to insufficient water. To solve the issue, water your plant when the top of the soil has dried out, remember to keep the soil moist but not soggy. 
  • Browning tip of the fronds indicates your plant is overwatered. To solve this problem, change the position of your areca palm to a bright place, where it can get enough bright but indirect sunlight. Also, water your plant only when the topsoil is dry and to increase the humidity level, mist your plant regularly.

Style and decor

With the gorgeous fronds, areca palm can prettify any interior decorations. To add the tropical vibes to your living space, situating this plant near the windows, or in the corners of the drawing room would look stunning. Areca palm is also used to decorate office hallways and corridors, to add the stroke of green in a monotonous place.
