Keep these 5 plants at home to get rid of lizards

Home lizards are generally not harmful to humans. Lizards are one of the parts of our ecosystem, and also considered as the companions of gardeners as they eat away harmful insects. However, apart from being a harmless creature, most of us do not like lizards. Some people do not like lizards in their personal space. This is why, here are a few plant names which you can keep at home as lizard repellent.

  • Rosemary plant: Rosemary plant has a very strong smell which can be pleasant for us but not for lizards. You can use rosemary plants, rosemary essential oils and streaks to keep lizards away from your house. The origin of this plant is Europe. This plant can be grown indoors as well as outdoors, and can be kept in any container or pot.
  • Lavender plant: Who does not like the aroma of lavender? Nearly everyone loves the subtle aromatic scent of lavender. Many of us even use lavender essential oils for a goodnight sleep. However, lizards do not like the smell of this plant. You can use a container to grow a lavender plant, and keep it on your bedside table to get rid of lizards.
  • Thyme: Thyme is a mediterranean herb which is known for its flavor. Being a strong aromatic herb, it helps in keeping lizards away from your home. As lizards are mostly seen in the walls, you can keep your thyme plant in hanging baskets to keep lizards away.
  • Peppermint plant: As we know peppermint plants have a vivid and irresistible scent that lizards cannot bear. Peppermint oil spray also works great as lizard repellent spray. Use a well-drained potting mix for your peppermint plant, and keep it in a bright indoor place. Also, make sure to water it regularly.
  • Japanese Mint: Japanese Mint is a Japanese plant and widely popular in Europe and Asia. This plant has an intense menthol scent that lizards cannot tolerate. Use a soil rich in humus for this plant, and water regularly. Also, do not place it in direct sunlight.

Apart from all these plants, you can also use pencil tree, lemongrass, sage, chamomile, laurel, autumn mums and many other plants. Keeping lizards away from your space is very easy nowadays, just keep a lizard repellent plant in your room. These plants would give your room an aesthetic beauty, and would also keep lizards at bay.